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Why hypnotherapy &


Ready to change your mind, and change your life? 

Let's explore how I can help you. 

Anxious or stressed, bored and fed-up, dealing with trauma, overwhelm or burnout?  


Maybe you’re toying with the idea that there must be more to life than this? 


And I’m here to tell you that THERE IS!


In a world that favours quantity over quality, burnout over rest, I’m here to show you there’s more to life than the status quo, and to remind you that you don’t need to keep plodding on repeating patterns and behaviours that feel safe to you, just because the world says so.  Together we can help you understand why you feel this way, and what needs to change so you can thrive in life again.  It’s time to take back control! 


If you can answer yes to any of these questions, read on to see how we can work together: 


Do you want to stop contending with stress, anxiety, overwhelm or burnout?

Do you want to work on triggers, patterns, habits and changes?

Do you want to change your experiencing of trauma, PTSD, CPTSD, panic attacks or flashbacks?

Do you want to stop people pleasing, and start advocating for yourself and your needs?

Do you want to put yourself back at the centre of your own life so you can build a life that works for you?


PERFECT!  Then here’s what we can do together:


RESET - work on your body and mind reactions to any trauma’s, triggers, stressors and anxiety’s using kick ass tools and techniques to quieten the mind and settle your fears.


RESTORE - knock down your limiting belief's and build your confidence, self esteem, strength and power back up so you can strut into your next steps.


RISE - pull to the surface your true desires and needs for your life, and build a focused plan to get you there, with a cheerleader on your side to help you the whole way.​

“After session 1 my hopelessness was gone.  By session 2, my confidence was up and I was planning out my future.  I'm so glad I booked our 3 months of work, I cannot believe the changes in me and I'm not the only one who has noticed!”

Do any of these resonate with you?


Our bodies natural reaction to feeling threatened in some way, which has exceeded our normal stress capacity tank.


Looks like: not being able to switch off, feeling full to the brim with too much to do and no idea where to start to resolve it, sleep issues or insomnia, irritability & mood changes, memory issues, low mood, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, using poor coping behaviours to numb, changes to energy and motivation levels, self sabotaging, procrastination, self abandonment and more.


Our minds way of protecting us from losing control, or feeling unsafe, and preventing further trauma's. 


Looks like: low mood, sense of loss, loss of control; anxious thoughts, health worries, catastrophising, relationship issues, poor habits - nail biting, skin picking, hair pulling etc, poor self talk, impacted self esteem, people pleasing, stoic independence, phobias, flashbacks, PTSD, panic attacks, triggers, OCD, self sabotage, self abandonment, changes to mindset and motivation, reclusive tendancies and more. 


Our minds role in our life choices, core values and rules for life,  and how our younger experiences impact that.


Looks like: Repetitive behaviours, making the same choices and replaying the same patterns, relationship or friendship changes or challenges, family difficulties, changes in career or big life transitions (marriage, babies, house buying etc), changes to energy & motivation levels, changes to future plans, loss/grief and more, not feeling good enough, allowing others to treat you poorly, low self worth and more.


Our body and mind journey and how it adapts and changes to fertility, pregnancy and parenthood challenges.


Looks like: fertility journeys, pregnancy anxiety, fear of childbirth, loss or miscarriage, peri-partum depression, peri-partum anxiety, birth trauma or natal trauma, relationship challenges, feeding journey, feeling lost in this new version, changes in career aspirations, connecting with this new version of you and building confidence again, finding peace in motherhood and more.

With 20+years experience mentoring and coaching people, and 6+ years running clinical therapy and modalities with people like you, together we can help you find the strength and courage to make the changes you need and get back in the driving seat of your life.  


Ready to work together?  Here’s how:

One-off bespoke sessions to help you reset trauma’s and triggers.  This is for you if you know what needs to change, and have a good idea why you feel the way you do, and it lets you see HOW we work together before committing to your own growth.


3 months therapuetic coaching sessions and support to help you reset your trauma’s and triggers, and restore your beliefs whilst building back up your confidence and self esteem so you can move forwards.  Book your first session then select the payment plan for you below:


6 months therapuetic coaching and support helping you understand your needs and wants, whilst re-working your triggers and helping you map out and plan a way forward, with support to help keep you on track and accountable for half a year.  Book your first session then select the payment plan for you below:


If this sounds interesting, and you want to find out more, head across to my testimonials page to see what previous clients have said about our work together, and book in a chat to see how I can help you get back into the driving seat of your own life!

I look forward to supporting you through the changes, so you can get back in the driving seat and live the life you truly want.

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